JustBet does not use house odds. All odds are based on the official track odds.
If there are no track payouts for a certain type of wager, all wagers of that type will be refunded.
There is a maximum net profit on each individual race based on the track category.
Daily Doubles, Pick 3's and Pick 4's count towards the last race in its sequence when calculating the race profit. The formula will be: (Net Profit = Net Payout for Race minus Total Amount Wagered for Race). This resets for every individual race.
If the track payout on a race pays to ALL on Super/Trifectas, pays out 2 of 3 on a Pick 3, or 3 of 4 on a Pick 4, and your wager has the exact ticket, you’ll be paid out the whole minus the takeout percentage.
If pool information is not available, the payout will be three (3) times the consolation payout period. If take out information is not available, it will default to 20%. If paid out to the whole pool, consolation payouts on the same rates will not apply. All normal tracks limits are still applicable.
Please also consider the following as it relates to maximum bet and net profit amounts:
- There is a $20,000 limit, per horse per bet type for show bets. Any wager placed above this amount will be considered no action.
- If a track is on the betting menu, but not listed on the Horse Track Categories, the Maximum Net Profits defaults to $5,000.
- On all Quarter Horse Racing the Maximum Net Profit Per Race is $1,000.